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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

Key Stage 4 Daily Bulletin ​









Homework and Study Support

 Available on Monday to Thursday from 3.00pm - 4.00pm in the 500's ICT rooms

Please email any questions to


Equipment - Purple Pens

Students should have a purple pen to respond to a teacher's feedback/show improvements in their work. Please go to the Gipsy Lane Achievement Hub if you need to borrow one. 

Lunch Time Football Fixtures:-


For our latest news, including the Parent / Carer, please click here

To contact Tutors and Subject Leaders, see the full list here 

Interested in extracurricular activities? See the full list on offer here 

Music Department Year 11 Support - every Thursday after school in room 254 and also welcome to work on Coursework any break, lunchtime or after school.  Please click on the link Exmouth Community College - Music Clubs and Tuition (