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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

Key Stage 3 Daily Bulletin


Debate Competition at Colyton Grammar School

On Saturday 22nd June, 6 students took part in a day of debate at Colyton Grammar School. Organised by Colyton and the University of Exeter Debating society to promote debating across the Southwest.

Students were recommended by their English teachers and gave up their Saturdays to debate from 9am to 6pm with students from Colyton, Axe Valley and Torquay Academy. With a lot of parliamentary language and protocols for debating to learn, our students did really well.  

Debating can be enormously beneficial in improving pupils' oracy and self-confidence.  This is in addition to the skills of logical reasoning, analytical thinking and leadership, and we look forward to starting an ECC debate club in the new academic year!




Homework Support

Homework support is now available to yr 7, 8 and 9 on a Monday, Tuesday ,Wednesday and Thursday. All welcome.

Start the day well!

The Telfer canteen is open daily, to ALL tutor groups from 7.45am to 8.15am for breakfast baps, danish pastries and hot chocolate.  The canteen is in the Telfer building on Gipsy Lane site. 

Equipment - Purple Pens

Students should have a purple pen to respond to teacher feedback/show improvements in their work.Please go to the Achievement Hub if you need to borrow one. 

For our latest news, including the Parent / Carer please click here

To contact Tutors and Subject Leaders, see the full list here 

Interested in extracurricular activities? See the full list on offer here