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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

Senior Team

Headteacher Mr T Inman College Leadership
Deputy Headteacher Mrs L Malton Curriculum
Deputy Headteacher Mr D Turner Behaviour/Pastoral/Attendance/Safeguarding - DSL
Assistant Headteacher Mr F O'Rourke Key Stage 3
Assistant Headteacher Mr D Holt Key Stage 4
Assistant Headteacher Mr A Dyer Key Stage 5
Assistant Headteacher Mr N Smith

Progress & Intervention, SEN

Assistant Headteacher Mrs P Rowe Staff
Finance Director Mr M Burrell Management of Finance & Operations / GDPR
Headteacher's P.A. Mrs M Savage  

Each member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) has a range of responsibilities. These include being a link manager for a number of subjects to ensure high standards of teaching and learning.