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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust


Ensuring that homework is effective is the shared responsibility of students,  staff and parents/carers.

The College believes that homework is an important factor in the educational development of its students. Homework should reinforce what has been taught in lessons: enhance learning; promote good study skills; link prior and future learning and develop time management skills.


All students will be set homework tasks which reflect their needs, ability and stage of education.

Homework, no matter if it has been completed or not, is recorded on Class Charts. This information is used by senior staff to monitor the setting and completion of homework at the College.

Students who fail to complete three pieces of set homework for any one subject will be placed on Homework Report and the parents/carers will be informed.

No student should copy and paste from the Internet and the work they submit must be their own.


Increasingly, the homework set for Key Stage 3 and 4 students, will be associated to the Knowledge Organisers (KOs). Please visit the Knowledge Organiser section on the Curriculum page of the College website for more specific information about the Knowledge Organisers, as a key strategy to promote student learning.  

Click here to go to the Knowledge Organiser section

The Knowledge Organisers are directly associated to the schemes of work taught by each subject/department. Knowledge Organiser homework tasks develop the students ability to understand, memorise and recall key information. 

Other homework, particularly for students in Key Stage 4, may also be set and include a variety of tasks such as: written work, research, presentations, planning and completion of examination questions.

Homework tasks should be made clear and will continue to be set on Class Charts. All students will be introduced to Knowledge Organisers with the help of a Tutorial session (Lesson 42) and will be provided with a Student Guide to help them complete their homework.

The more I do my homework, the more I understand: the more I understand the better my grades become."

How Much Homework (per subject)

Year 7:  Approx. 30 mins. per subject

Year 8:  Approx. 40 mins. per subject

Year 9:  45 to 60 mins. per subject

Year 10 / 11:  Min. 60 mins. per subject

Homework and Study Support

If a student would like to attend Homework and Study Support please contact Mrs Hunter  Please communicate with your child's subject teacher for subject specific support or  your child's tutor if there are more general concerns.

Knowledge Organiser Workbook

Knowledge Organiser Homework should always be completed in the Knowledge Organiser Workbook. Students will write the subject, title and date, all underlined, for each piece of Knowledge Organiser homework completed. Parents/Carers should check the Knowledge Organiser Workbook at least once a week to see their child's homework and ensure that they are completing their homework correctly.

Class Charts

All Homework will continue to be set on Class Charts, for both student and parent/carers awareness. Completion of homework will be closely monitored by tutors during registration as part of the equipment check and teachers will monitor the completion and impact of homework upon students work in lessons, quizzes, tests and in examinations. Staff will encourage students to invest their time and efforts in completing their homework in line with the rewards and sanctions policy.


Students should:

Monitor Class Charts to be aware of homework set
and due dates.

Complete homework to the best of their ability.

Complete homework on time.

Bring a note from your parent/carer if there is a valid reason why homework has not been completed.


The Parent/Carer should:

Oversee their child’s study to ensure homework is completed on time and to a good standard.

Check and sign the Knowledge Organiser Workbook weekly.

Check Class Charts regularly to support your child's homework completion by the due dates

Help their child balance homework and social commitments.

Provide a note of explanation if their child is unable to complete set homework tasks. This explanation should be written in the Knowledge Organiser Workbook.

Contact the appropriate member of teaching staff or tutor if you have concerns over your child’s homework.