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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

Activity Week 2024


Monday 22nd Tuesday 23rd & Wednesday 24th July 2024

Activity Week Booklets were distributed to KS3 students on Wednesday 13th December

Please see the bottom of this page to download an online version

Allocation Letters were emailed to parents and carers confirming your child's activity allocation in March. 

Please ensure all payments are made in full by 31 May.

Students will attend their Activity Week briefing in Lesson 42 on Wednesday 10th July where they will receive their Program Letter (available to download below) and meet the Trip Leader.


   How to make a payment 

Payments are not requested until activity choices have been confirmed in a student allocation letter which will be emailed to parents and carers in March. We will then ask for a deposit payment to be made by 31 March 2024. Further details will be given with the student allocation letter. All payments should be made using the student sQuid account, no cash will be accepted.

We ask that payment is made in full by 31st May 2024 for your allocated activity.

In the event that there are insufficient student numbers on an activity, then it may have to be cancelled. No payment will be taken in this instance.

We have offered a range of activities both in terms of interest and cost, which will enable everyone to participate in a worthwhile activity.

If you have any concerns regarding payment, please email 

Please note: details of activities are correct at the time of going to print. We reserve the right to withdraw or change activities if circumstances change or to withdraw students who persistently misbehave during the year. All costs in this booklet are approximate and could change depending on the final number of students taking part in each activity.

Off Site Consent

We will be using the information given on the student Data Collection Form (DCF) for medical consent.

To have permission to go offsite a student needs to have returned a DCF for their current school year 2023/24, or the one directly previous ie 2022/23. If this is not held by the College you will be contacted directly.

During the year please ensure you inform the College of any changes in circumstance or medical conditions.


We regard Activity Week as an important part of your child's education and expect normal attendance. Reasons for non-attendance need to be submitted using an absence request form (S2), as the College has to provide details of all unauthorised absences to the Department for Education.

We are unable to authorise absence during Activity Week except for exceptional circumstances.

A form can be downloaded at: Exmouth Community College - Parent / Carer Quick Guide


Contact 01395 255621 or email