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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

Safeguarding Update

Safeguarding Update from principal Andrew Davies - on site and online

Dear Parents & Carers

Further to my recent letter regarding the changes being made to security of the Gipsy Lane site, I would like to add the following points to ensure student safety at both sites and to reiterate our safeguarding policy:

  • All parents/carers/visitors to site must make an appointment in advance (whenever possible) if wishing to see a member of staff
  • All parents/carers/visitors must sign in at reception on Gipsy Lane or Green Close
  • All parents/carers/visitors must be escorted around site by a member of staff
  • When dropping off children in the morning, please avoid coming on to either site and do not park on the zig zag areas

With regards to safeguarding our students and staff online, it has also come to our attention that there are several sites on social media which appear to be our official school sites but are not.  Our official sites are:

  • Facebook: @officialexmouthcollege
  • Instagram: @exmouthcommunitycollege​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  • Twitter: @ExmouthCollege​​​​​​​

In accordance with the Community Standards for these sites, we strongly advise against naming students or staff since comments could be considered to be harassment, malicious or defamatory and may be reported to the Police for further investigation. When such comments are made it is very upsetting to students and staff alike.

If you require advice or guidance about your child's education or you have any concerns we would always encourage you to get in touch with the College in the first instance so that we can help to resolve the problem. The contact details of key staff can be found on our website at

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Andrew Davis


Exmouth Community College