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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

Year 11 Update

Update for Year 11 students on results days

Dear Year 11 Students, Parents and Carers,

We hope you are all well, and finding ways to learn, be happy and grow. We're approaching the end of term, and you will be aware of how everything is opening up and starting up again - you are probably wondering what your route through to September is going to be, so we thought we'd write and make sure things are clear.

You'll get more details about each of these things nearer the time.

Results days

The great news is we have come up with a way for you to come in and get your results on Thursday 20th August in person. You will receive an email from the Exams Officer with further information about the day.  The exam boards will award you these grades based upon information the College gave them in May.  Please see the link below for information about how the Exam Boards have processed these grades. If you have any questions about the grades you receive you will be able to make an individual appointment to talk about this after results day with one of our team.

If you are intending to return to Post 16, we will either be able to confirm your entry to Post-16 on the afternoon of results day or advise you on what course is more suitable with a follow up interview the following day. We will let you know within 36 hours to minimise any uncertainty or anxiety for you.

This is because we mean what we say about caring for you and supporting you.

Suitability for a course

When deciding on your suitability for a course we will take into account both what your Year 11 teachers said when we made our recommendations to the exam boards, and how well you did your PPS (so make sure you do a good job for every subject you intend to study!!). We are determined to make sure that everyone who worked hard will be properly and fairly rewarded.

Greater flexibility in meeting entry requirements

We are conscious that this year’s final results will be difficult to predict and so we will offer greater flexibility about entry requirements given this flux within the system. While we will always try and back our students we will also monitor your progress carefully in September so no one is placed on a course which is too difficult for them.

Given the turmoil in examinations this year we feel it is important to give you the benefit of the doubt – particularly since you are young people we have taught and so we have a good understanding of the way you learn.

If you have applied elsewhere (to a Further Education college, or for an Apprenticeship or job) , you will either hear from your provider or need to contact them directly.

Starting in September

College and Post-16 will start in September for face to face education for all students-so you can start looking forward to that (as the teachers are!!). You will have had very different experiences these last few months: many people feel nervous and the new routines (like lining up and being extra mindful of others while moving around) feel weird-but trust us, it will be great and within minutes you'll be learning and laughing with your friends and teachers.

Further Education colleges are working to different rules which may include more remote learning, so if you are applying there you will have to check with them what to expect. It is also worth bearing in mind that some institutions are planning staggered starts so you may need to check on links to buses or trains and wearing face coverings when travelling on public transport. 

If you want to talk through any of this please get in touch with whichever of us you want to. We'd love to hear from you, and look forward to working in the same space as you again.

Andrew Davis                          Simon Tanner                             Henri Miles

    Principal                                Head of Post-16                            Head of  KS4