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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

Year 11 Update

Information from the Yr 11 Team

Dear Year 11, 

We wanted to write to you all and remind you that we haven’t forgotten you and let you know how much we are missing you.

As you can imagine, it has been extremely difficult to plan ahead but we have been beavering away in the background. Over the following weeks we will start finalising details for those of you who are returning to Post 16. In the meantime we would just like to remind you that the Key Stage 4 team are on hand to help with any issues – large or small. 

Post 16

Shortly after lockdown began, all Year 11 students were sent an email from the Post 16 team asking you to confirm whether you were staying with us and your final subject choices. Thank you for the many emails and phone calls discussing your future – we have been very impressed with your mature attitude to a very difficult situation. If you have not already replied to the email, or you have changed your mind about where you would like to study or you would like to update your option choices please do let us know. 

We have also set Pre-Post 16 induction task for all subjects. The tasks will give you a clearer understanding of the content of the courses and I know some students have used the tasks to help them make a decision about their final choices. If you have any queries about the tasks, or you need some guidance or feedback, you can contact the relevant teacher via email who will be happy to discuss it with you. Please see the school website for further details or follow the link below.

Once we have finalised the timetable for September, you will receive your provisional acceptance letters through the post. 

Eton X course

Year 11 students are also able to access an online course that is being offered by Eton College. It is free and once completed, you are given an accredited certificate.  Information about the course and your access code was sent out via email just before half term.


The Careers team have sent out lots of information via Class Charts and email including free online college and university courses e.g. Business and Marketing; websites offering free educational lessons, advice on creative career paths e.g. Cyber Security or Games Development, advice and templates for CV writing and many more. 

We have also offered online or phone interviews with Career South West for students who have contacted us wanting help to make decisions regarding their next steps. Please let us know if this would be of benefit to you.

Grades and results day

We have previously sent out information regarding calculations of final grades. Your teachers have been working through the government guidelines to calculate your grades and we await further instructions. We have no further information about grading/results except that results day will go ahead on Thursday 20thAugust. Further information about the arrangements for GSE Results Day will be released in due course.


We are all very upset that, at present, we will not be able to celebrate the Prom as we usually do but please rest assured that plans are afoot! Details will be released as soon as we have finalised our plans. 


Parents – please ensure that the email details we hold for you are correct. We will continue to use email as the quickest form of contact. If you need to update your details please contact a member of the Key Stage 4 team.

We hope that you are all enjoying this extra time with your families and are keeping yourselves safe. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any support:

Key Stage 4 team:

Post 16 Team:


Mrs Merry, Miss Sargeant and Mrs Miles