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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

Strangely Quiet

Principal Andrew Davis reflects on a tumultuous week 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

As I sit at my desk writing this on Friday evening, it is sad to reflect on a day which saw the College far from its normal, energetic bustling self, with Year 11 students and others suddenly facing their last day in College and now a very dark and empty site devoid of any community life, such as football practice and choirs. Very strange indeed.

Many thanks to all the responses we have had to the booking form for those students who need to come in next week. Please remember that if students can stay safely at home, they should, to prevent the virus from spreading. The Government is only saying the College can stay open for those students who absolutely need to attend to keep contact with others to an absolute minimum.

We look forward to welcoming those students on Monday at 8.30 outside Hall 4 on the Gipsy Lane site. They will be with the pastoral team to begin with (after making sure they have washed their hands of course!) and will then move on to lessons to keep up to speed with the Class Charts work that staff will be setting. We are also looking at potentially some other activities throughout the day to break it up. This will change from day to day depending on which teaching team is in and the particular subject expertise they have, but could we ask that your child brings in their PE kit just in case. It would also be useful for students to bring their own drinks bottle. We will be offering packed lunches at College for students entitled to Free School Meals and only a limited catering service to others so you may wish to bring a packed lunch.

We will continue to provide this service for as long as we can. 

The day will finish at 3pm as normal for students to go home. Students are expected to stay for the whole day and will not be allowed off site during the day unless parents/carers arrive at Gipsy Lane Reception to pick them up. 

Please do not send a child with a continuous cough or temperature since we will have to isolate and call you to pick up just in case.

For students who are entitled to a Free School Meal we will continue to offer packed lunches from our Catering Van at Reception on the Gipsy Lane site. In addition, for those students, Mr Smith and Mrs Hunter have been working really hard on sorting out vouchers for food which will be delivered to a parents or carers  on their phone and can be redeemed at any shop. More details will follow shortly. 

As a reminder we also have some sanitary products available from Reception if you require them. 

We will carry on updating you over the coming weeks, however on behalf of the Governors and staff, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your extended families the very best for the next few weeks.

I look forward to the school once again becoming the vibrant, dynamic, exciting, energetic and creative place filled with amazing individuals full of life and potential which it is renowned for. I know for sure that the next lesson, the next 10 Tors walk on Dartmoor, the next music concert, the next Dance show, the next Art exhibition, the next tutor period, the next football match, the next Duke of Edinburgh expedition and the next lunchtime hanging out with friends will feel really special after these difficult moments pass.

Thank you once again for your support and especially for all your kind messages. I know the staff are really touched by and grateful for your comments.


Andrew Davis - Principal