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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

£17 Million Investment in Facilities for our Students

Update including plans and consultation opportunity  

Dear Parents and Carers 

Over the last few months during lockdown we have been continuing to quietly work really hard on a variety of campus development projects across our site.

The biggest of these projects is to replace a large portion of our Green Close site with a new block which will contain a 450 seat auditorium for school and community use, new library resources centre, activity studio, 3 new Drama studios, 6 new Design Technology rooms, 5 new laboratories, a new ICT suite and 14 new classrooms for RE, History and Geography plus a new Reception and first aid area, office spaces and changing rooms. The total cost of the project is approximately £13.2 million and it will transform the educational experience for our students. The project is now at the planning application stage and full details can be found at:

This is a fantastic opportunity for the College and would encourage you to join in the conversation about the new build by clicking on the link above, leaving a comment with your thoughts about the impact such facilities will have on your child's education and the local community.

Secondly, we are now planning to start work on phase 2 of the Maths block, which will complement our current Maths block, in November this year. This project is approximately £3.2 million and will provide a further 8 Maths classrooms and potentially, additional dining space for older students. More information will be released shortly on this project.

Thirdly we have now completed replacing the roof on the Design Technology block that has cost approximately £100,000 but will vastly improve the learning environment.

Finally, shortly before retiring Kim Dearsly, our Business Manager, managed to secure a further £300,000 of funding to update and replace heating systems across the College. We are currently planning these works to take place later in the year.

As I am sure you will agree, we are very fortunate to be receiving in the order of £17 million to improve the campus over the next few months and that this sort of investment will massively improve the educational experience for our students, your children and the local community. We very much hope you will get behind each of these projects and let us know your thoughts via the link above.

Thank you for your continued support.


Andrew Davis - Principal