Careers Department Update

Another busy half term for the Careers Department!
Here's a selection of the varied activities during this term:
- Year 10 students on a university taster residential.
- Plymouth university taster days for yr 10 students
- Yr 12 students out on work experience
- 120 students have had a 1:1 or small group careers interview with an Independent careers adviser. All provided with personalised notes.
- All year 10s have attended a 'Motivational' session delivered by Moj Taylor a professional comedian and actor. Encouraging students to think about all the possibilities available to them in terms of careers and future aspirations.
- 27 stands and presenters have signed up to the careers fair- happening in March 2020 (contact the careers department if you are interested in attending).
- The Community Cadets had their final presentation evening at the Lifeboat station.
- The college has achieved the 'Commitment' stage of the Investors in Careers award.