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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

Careers @ ECC

Autumn Update from the Careers Department

It's been a super busy start to the term with lots of fantastic careers activities taking place:

  1. Feedback and sharing of experiences from year 12s regarding their varied work experience placements. 

  2. Recruitment for the Community Cadet programme has been completed- 15 successful applicants ready and eager to start on the 30th of October. 

  3. Apprenticeship workshop for Level 2 Sport students. 

  4. As part of Lesson 42, year 9 and 10 have had a series of careers lessons delivered by their tutors. 

  5. All eligible students in year 9,10, 11 and post 16 have completed a Next Steps survey- enabling them to access activities and events throughout the year. 

  6. 84 individual careers appointments have been held with our independent careers advisor. 

  7. Students from yr9 have been selected to take part in the 'Future Me' course- raising aspirations and building confidence- due to start early November. 

  8. Talks have been arranged for yr 11 covering the topic of Apprenticeships and how to apply. 

  9. Ongoing planning for the Careers Fair- 18th of March. If you're from a business/institution, please get in contact if you would like a stand:

  10. Whole school advertisement and update of useful careers websites and links- also published on college website: